Top avvocato penalista Secrets

We belief their professionalism and intelligent to triumph the situation that they are going to manage for.Sustain The nice get the job done and go on assisting All those individual getting rid of their Hope's... May our God Bless your business as well as your familyread a lot more

I advisable them to some American associates to acquire an Trader visa plus they brilliantly solved their troubles for moving into the Schenghen countries As well as in Europeread additional

abusi edilizi di vario genere come costruzioni di grandi complessi senza i relativi permessi e molto altro ancora;

with various and critical legislation corporations in Naples and Milan, completely running their litigation in the judicial district from the Court docket of Attraction of Rome.

Thus, you are able to count on the guidance of the highly certified Specialist, who has acquired specific abilities in the challenge that anxieties you and that afflicts you: our purpose is specifically to resolve your dilemma, and to get it done as promptly as is possible!

Our law business has been active For many years helping international Individuals who have lawful difficulties in Italy connected to the immigration sector. The guidance of a legal professional in these techniques is frequently essential for the accomplishment of the proceedings.

He has obtained consolidated experience in assisting in extradition methods, European arrest warrant and recognition of international sentences for the objective of their execution in Italy, based on the provisions of Framework Determination 2008/909/GAI.

Supply us with each of the documentation you have got in the possession within the legal subject that fears you;

This has allowed us to facial area and take care of pretty complicated and thorny conditions Together with the utmost satisfaction of avvocato penalista our clientele.

in case of issues in Italy, Completely the best law firm to whom somebody can pick out. In have a peek at this web-site addition to getting... scary know-how in legislation, he also is aware English completely to be able to assist a consumer who feels dropped because of a authorized challenge in Italyread extra

Paola Carmela D'Amato → Avvocato esperto in diritto d'autore e della proprietà industriale - L'Avvocato Paola Carmela D'Amato ha maturato esperienza nel settore della proprietà intellettuale ed industriale. Il suo studio opera a Napoli dal 2013. Assiste numerous imprese nella tutela dei marchi e nella risoluzione giudiziale e stragiudiziale delle controversie in tema di proprietà industriale.

Opero prevalentemente a livello regionale, ed offro un rapporto personale e diretto con i miei clienti che richiede una selezione dei casi di cui occuparmi.Ho una conoscenza scolastica della lingua inglese. this contact form -

La sanzione penale rientra all'interno dell'enorme categoria dell'illecito che racchiude, però, anche i reati civili ed amministrativi ovvero reati che non prevedono sanzioni detentive a carico del giudicato reo in carcere o appositi istituti carcerari.

Specializzato in diritto penale dell'impresa (fallimentare, tributario e societario) e diritto penale militare opera su tutto il territorio nazionale. Offre assistenza giudiziale e consulenza stragiudiziale

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